Background 1
Friday, August 26, 2011
Happy Birthday Enforcer!!!!
He is six Saturday....SIX!!!! There are not words to describe how awesome he is. Just amazing! If anyone can melt my heart away it is him. We cannot wait to see what God has in store for your life! Love you...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A great friend reminded me of the first hurdle during the attachment process of adoption. She said it would come around six weeks. This past week has been pretty hard here. One of the boys started using his bed and bedroom as a bathroom. There have been countless discipline issues this past week. Then I remembered my friend's words....they have been here just over six weeks.
I have read almost every attachment book written; popular, non-Christian, Christian with Bible studies added, etc. There are so many good nuggets of information to help me understand what they are feeling. However, something has always just been "off" a bit to me. God, through many new friends , has poked my heart to look to Him for the answers...not just an adoption book.
We had a long hard battle for Z-girl. I read every book - took her to numerous counseling sessions - regressed her - I tried it all. Then one day I remember thinking "this just seems like something spiritual to me." Many of you know our story of what happened with Z-girl. There was a serious battle for her very soul! Praise the Lord we were victorious...but what does this have to do with adoption?
Satan hates everything God stands for....LOVE, KINDNESS, PATIENCE, FORGIVENESS, SECURITY, ACCEPTANCE....but LOVE, oh how he hates that. These children start as orphans. Whether as an infant or older child, regardless of the circumstances, they are rejected and abandoned - with good intentions from most biological families. However, truth is they were left behind. Evil intends it to stay that way. He wants them to stay broken, alone, scared, without love. God commands us to take care of the widows and orphans. Evil will fight against that with every ounce of energy available.
Z-girl had a very hard time. It was so real in our home. Satan wanted her broken, shattered, cold, alone, and desperate. Finally, we listened to God and found the tools through him and many friends that allowed us to perceive it, rebuke it, and love on her. She has made huge strides. Now, regression has started. I expected that. And although I can fall into those old patterns of annoyance again at fighting the battle of wills....I have chosen and God has reminded me of the tools He has given all of us.
Today, Z-girl and I prayed. We talked. We both cried. She is a redemption story! She is NOT abandoned or rejected. She WILL NOT stay broken. I believe in God's complete healing of her!
Now, we will remember these situations with our boys. And of course, with all our children and ourselves. It is not as if Satan isn't trying stuff on me. He doesn't just go after the adopted ;).
I heard a quote somewhere that said "I want to be the kind of woman that when Satan hears my feet hit the floor each morning he says 'OH CRAP, she is awake!'" Dear Lord - let that be me!!!!
Remember Ephesians 6:12
**For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
I have read almost every attachment book written; popular, non-Christian, Christian with Bible studies added, etc. There are so many good nuggets of information to help me understand what they are feeling. However, something has always just been "off" a bit to me. God, through many new friends , has poked my heart to look to Him for the answers...not just an adoption book.
We had a long hard battle for Z-girl. I read every book - took her to numerous counseling sessions - regressed her - I tried it all. Then one day I remember thinking "this just seems like something spiritual to me." Many of you know our story of what happened with Z-girl. There was a serious battle for her very soul! Praise the Lord we were victorious...but what does this have to do with adoption?
Satan hates everything God stands for....LOVE, KINDNESS, PATIENCE, FORGIVENESS, SECURITY, ACCEPTANCE....but LOVE, oh how he hates that. These children start as orphans. Whether as an infant or older child, regardless of the circumstances, they are rejected and abandoned - with good intentions from most biological families. However, truth is they were left behind. Evil intends it to stay that way. He wants them to stay broken, alone, scared, without love. God commands us to take care of the widows and orphans. Evil will fight against that with every ounce of energy available.
Z-girl had a very hard time. It was so real in our home. Satan wanted her broken, shattered, cold, alone, and desperate. Finally, we listened to God and found the tools through him and many friends that allowed us to perceive it, rebuke it, and love on her. She has made huge strides. Now, regression has started. I expected that. And although I can fall into those old patterns of annoyance again at fighting the battle of wills....I have chosen and God has reminded me of the tools He has given all of us.
Today, Z-girl and I prayed. We talked. We both cried. She is a redemption story! She is NOT abandoned or rejected. She WILL NOT stay broken. I believe in God's complete healing of her!
Now, we will remember these situations with our boys. And of course, with all our children and ourselves. It is not as if Satan isn't trying stuff on me. He doesn't just go after the adopted ;).
I heard a quote somewhere that said "I want to be the kind of woman that when Satan hears my feet hit the floor each morning he says 'OH CRAP, she is awake!'" Dear Lord - let that be me!!!!
Remember Ephesians 6:12
**For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Be Somebody Else....Not Yourself
So, the title to this post has some play on words which has led me to write such an inspirational post (much sarcasm).
I was talking with some co-workers and there was one person that was surprised that we have adopted 5 children as well as have 5 biological. Their comment was, "Why ruin your life with all the problems of adoption and let somebody else do that. You should enjoy your life not ruin it and put such a burden on taxpayers with all those kids."
Anger, apethy, disgust, a strong desire to physically break get the point as to how I felt. That all went through my head. What I said did not come from me because I can't think that fast on my toes. My comment was, "Well, I am somebody else." And I walked away.
My thoughts are that we should be that "somebody else", because if we aren't, then who? The good Lord above has put it into mine and Ethel's hearts to adopt as a way to serve Him. Serving Him may not be through adoption for all people. I know that discerning and understanding of your spiritual gifts and utilizing them to your best ability is usually what being "somebody else" is all about.
"Somebody Else" is not the norm in today's society. Ironically, we are told to just be ourselves. All well and good for most instances, but in cases like this, especially in America the Land of Plenty, sacrificing selfish desires is for "somebody else."
My soapbox is broken now and wore out, so I will step down. Thanks for listening...err....reading.
As an update for family, Ethel can do a better job with that, but I will try.
The three new boys are doing just fine. There are the typical brotherly fights and whining, but it will take time for them, as well as the other seven, to figure who fits where in the family. We are now 1.5 months into this family of 12 and it has gone better than I expected.
This week was the first week of school, well, for the Reeves' homeschool bunch.
It also starts football practice for Car Man. He has so much wanted to compete in football as well as a dad's desire to see his son play football. What dad wouldn't want to see his boy doing what he did as a kid! I'm excited to see how he reacts when he goes up against kids his own size or larger and it's for real. It's not the messing around in the front yard stuff.
Last week was the Unity Music Festival in Muskegon and I took Sunshine and Peeps to Day Zero which is free to see Barlow Girl and Kutless. That was an amazing night especially for Kutless to come out playing worship songs and seeing people of an older generation swaying and worshiping to what Kutless was playing! Thursday night we went back again to see four bands; Hearts of Saints, FFH, Group 1 Crew, and Switchfoot. They all were fantastic, but Switchfoot put on an incredible show. Peeps and Sunshine both loved it and want to go back next year.
Ethel took Boukie and Car Man to see the Go Fish guys at church. They came home with smiles as wide as Texas on their faces. Now, all they play are Go Fish songs....oh...and Annagail's "Linger in Bloom" CD.
Annagail is a favorite band of ours. Please check them out at
They will be going on their radio tour in the fall. Please check out their album "The Cabin Sessions".
That's all for now! Yeah I all want pictures.....Ethel can get on
I was talking with some co-workers and there was one person that was surprised that we have adopted 5 children as well as have 5 biological. Their comment was, "Why ruin your life with all the problems of adoption and let somebody else do that. You should enjoy your life not ruin it and put such a burden on taxpayers with all those kids."
Anger, apethy, disgust, a strong desire to physically break get the point as to how I felt. That all went through my head. What I said did not come from me because I can't think that fast on my toes. My comment was, "Well, I am somebody else." And I walked away.
My thoughts are that we should be that "somebody else", because if we aren't, then who? The good Lord above has put it into mine and Ethel's hearts to adopt as a way to serve Him. Serving Him may not be through adoption for all people. I know that discerning and understanding of your spiritual gifts and utilizing them to your best ability is usually what being "somebody else" is all about.
"Somebody Else" is not the norm in today's society. Ironically, we are told to just be ourselves. All well and good for most instances, but in cases like this, especially in America the Land of Plenty, sacrificing selfish desires is for "somebody else."
My soapbox is broken now and wore out, so I will step down. Thanks for listening...err....reading.
As an update for family, Ethel can do a better job with that, but I will try.
The three new boys are doing just fine. There are the typical brotherly fights and whining, but it will take time for them, as well as the other seven, to figure who fits where in the family. We are now 1.5 months into this family of 12 and it has gone better than I expected.
This week was the first week of school, well, for the Reeves' homeschool bunch.
It also starts football practice for Car Man. He has so much wanted to compete in football as well as a dad's desire to see his son play football. What dad wouldn't want to see his boy doing what he did as a kid! I'm excited to see how he reacts when he goes up against kids his own size or larger and it's for real. It's not the messing around in the front yard stuff.
Last week was the Unity Music Festival in Muskegon and I took Sunshine and Peeps to Day Zero which is free to see Barlow Girl and Kutless. That was an amazing night especially for Kutless to come out playing worship songs and seeing people of an older generation swaying and worshiping to what Kutless was playing! Thursday night we went back again to see four bands; Hearts of Saints, FFH, Group 1 Crew, and Switchfoot. They all were fantastic, but Switchfoot put on an incredible show. Peeps and Sunshine both loved it and want to go back next year.
Ethel took Boukie and Car Man to see the Go Fish guys at church. They came home with smiles as wide as Texas on their faces. Now, all they play are Go Fish songs....oh...and Annagail's "Linger in Bloom" CD.
Annagail is a favorite band of ours. Please check them out at
They will be going on their radio tour in the fall. Please check out their album "The Cabin Sessions".
That's all for now! Yeah I all want pictures.....Ethel can get on
Monday, August 8, 2011
Happy Birthday JoJo!

We celebrated JoJo's 4th birthday this past Saturday and she was so excited to get presents in the summer! For some reason, I think she forgot she had a birthday last year where she received presents in summer.
JoJo has been with us for 3.5years and she has brought so much joy to our lives that I can't express my emotion. She has an infectious smile and a heart as big as Africa!
She is a beautiful African princess that just resonates the joy and life that God provides us here on earth. We are truly blessed to be able to raise JoJo! We love her and are so thankful for the beautiful smile she brings to my face when I'm having a downer day. Thanks JoJo and many more birthdays to you!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Why is our blog named this?
Isaiah 61:1 "proclaiming freedom for the captives" and this song by Mercy Me. That is the inspiration for Fred and I to be "chain breakers". For ourselves....for as many children as God blesses us with....for the broken world.
Monday, August 1, 2011
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