Background 1

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Well, the garage sale was a HUGE success.  A $2,000.00 success!  It was amazing how many people bought very little but donated.  So many asked our story of our boys and got tears in their eyes.  One lady shopped the sale and then turned her car around because God told her to give us more money.  It was just incredible!!!

Michigan cleared us officially today.  This is huge as there are many hurdles in this situation that made things more difficult.  It was worth more than gold to hire our Michigan attorney.  He really got a lot done for us and made things smooth.  Although, we know Who the real one behind this whole thing is!

There has been so much help from everyone too.  My friends have been here for two days watching my sale, packing it up, keeping me company....and I didn't have to ask one of them.  They just did it!!  A few friends have offered to paint the boys room for them and fix it up while we are gone too.  Truly amazing!

I have never seen the Body of Christ move like this....I have never been a part of such an obvious pouring of God's blessings.  We had many blessings adopting the girls, however, this has been so fast, so unbelievable, and so obvious I can barely fathom it!

Pray for peace for my kids.  It was so hard saying goodbye to kids tonight.  I HATE IT!  Pray for me as I HATE planes.  Really, really hate them.  I know that is satan after my mind so I will worry and not focus.  So for now, I will get more stuff done here and remember my verse :  Jeremiah 29:11


  1. So proud of you all! Ethel specific prayers going to the Lord on your behalf as Mama Hen sending her chicks off for just a short time. We are confident there will be an outpouring of peace and grace while you travel!

    Can't wait until your return with your new additions. So much to be thankful for!

    Love and hugs,
    Lucy, Ricky, Faith and Gracie

  2. PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For you, for your boys, for your other children.....for peace, understanding, overcoming fears, and for GOD'S PRESENCE TO BE FELT CONTINUOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know God has it ALL!!!! PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
